Thursday, April 23, 2009

CVS shopping for 4/26

there are some good deals on the 26th, I have ECB's to spend and coupons So far this is going to be my plan unless I get emailed a CVS coupon in the coming days.
Garnier fructis... $2.99.. ECB returned $2
ROC skincare.. spend $30 get $10 ECB returned.. I have 4 $3 coupons with me..
Schick intuition razor.. $8.99 get $4 back in ECB and I have a $4 coupon
Stayfree, bandaids, neosporin, ect.. spend $20 get $10 in ECB back.
my plan is to buy the Stayfree that is 2/$9 I have $2 coupon
Neosporin.. $5.49 .. I have a $1 coupon..
Bandiads.. I am not sure of the price but I have 4 $1 coupons for this.. Sunday I will post my exact trip and total. cheryl

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