Monday, March 16, 2009

Learning to be a couponer by mistake...

I was a member of 2 great sites( or so I thought) of shopping using coupons. I would go to them to find deals, shopping lists extra. Eventually I just started to go to AFC( A full Cup.. ) This is a great site. I have made mistakes and they correct me, the other site I went to , I made 2 mistakes there in 4 months. This second time I was given "points " taken off. What are we in Kindergarten?? If you are new to couponing you are going to make mistakes, some people learn at a slower rate, or don't take classes for this. I decided to leave the site, because I wasn't using it as much anyway, there are a few good sites I have been using instead, and I don't want to frequent a site that treats people like they are children. There loss. I had a link here , took it down. So try A Full Cup for great places to find coupon help or A slick deal or I heart CVS, I heart Walgreens, or I heart Riteguard . They are great sites. Just blowing off steam with this post. Cheryl


heznjon said...

They took points off? Thats crazy! Im so glad AFC doesnt have anything like that. All they have is super friendly people and a new design! I've never been to a site that gives points then takes them away for a mistake. I guess its a coupon site I've never been to lol.

Anonymous said...

Yes, AFC is a great site! That's where I found your link. :)